
**Mammal (1) ~Beberek Ekor Biru (2) ~Beberek Leher Biru (1) ~Belatuk Biji Nangka (1) ~Belatuk Leher Kuning (1) ~Belatuk Merah (1) ~Belatuk Pinang Kecil (1) ~Bubut Besar (1) ~Cegar Tengkuk Kelabu (1) ~Cekup Daun Tongkeng Kuning (1) ~Cekup Paya Besar (1) ~Cekup Paya Kecil (1) ~Cenuk Kerak (2) ~Ciak Bendang (1) ~Ciak Tempua (2) ~Daun Sayap Biru (1) ~Dendang Selayang (1) ~Gagak Kambing (1) ~Hantu Jalur (1) ~Helang Baza (1) ~Kedidi Kepala Kelabu (1) ~Layang-layang Pasifik (2) ~Merbah Belukar (2) ~Merbah Kapur (4) ~Murai Gila (1) ~Murai Kampung (4) ~Perenjak Kelabu (1) ~Perenjak Kuning (1) ~Perenjak Leher Hitam (1) ~Perenjak Pisang (1) ~Pipit Pinang (1) ~Pipit Tuli (1) ~Rapang Besar (1) ~Rembah Kayu Besar (1) ~Rimba Berjalur (1) ~Rimba Mata Putih (1) ~Rimba Telinga Putih (1) ~Sambar Asia (1) ~Sambar Kepala Kelabu (1) ~Sambar Leher Putih (1) ~Sepah Puteri Dada Oren (1) ~Sewah Berjambul (1) ~Takau Rakit (1) ~Tiong Gembala Kerbau (1) ~Tiong Jambul (1) ~Tiong Jawa (1) ~Tirjup Harimau (1) ~Tuwu (1) Anis Merah Bird (1) Babbler.Strip-Tit (1) Baza.Black (1) Beeeater.Blue-tailed (2) Beeeater.Blue-throated (1) Blacktroat Bird (1) Branjangan Bird (1) Broadbill.Black and Red (1) Bulbul.Olive-winged (2) Bulbul.Yellow-vented (4) Caterpillars hongkong (1) Cendrawasih Bird (1) Ciblek Bird (1) Cililin Bird (1) Colibri Bird (1) Coucal. Greater (1) Cucak jenggot Bird (1) Cuckoo.Chestnut-winged (1) Dove.Zebra ~Merbuk (1) Eagle Owl. Barred (1) Fantail. Pied (1) Flameback.Common (1) Flowerpecker.Orange-bellied (1) Flycatcher. Asian Brown (1) Flycatcher.Grey-headed (1) Flycatcher.Rufous-browed (1) Forktail.Slaty-backed (1) Jalak Bali Bird (1) Jalak Suren Bird (1) Kacer Bird (Oriental Magpie Robin) (1) Kakatua Bird (1) Know Murai Batu (1) Koel. Asian (1) Laughtinthrush.Chestnut-capped (1) Leafbird.Blue-winged (1) Love bird (1) Magpie.Black (1) Malkoha.Raffles's (2) Manyar yellow head (1) Market price of the bird (1) Mesia.Silver-eared (1) Munia.Scaly-breasted (1) Munia.White-rumped (1) Murai Batu match (1) Myna.Common (1) Myna.Javan (1) Myna.White-vented (1) Oriole. Black-naped (1) Peacock Bird (1) Pipit. Paddyfield (1) Plover.Greater-sand (1) Preparation Facing prolificacy Murai Batu (1) Prinia.Yellow-bellied (1) Reed-Warbler.Black-browed (1) Reed-Warbler.Oriental (1) Robin Bird (1) Robin.Oriental Magpie (4) Season Of Life Pattern Effect Murai Batu (1) Shrike.Tiger (1) SUB SPECIES Murai Batu (Copsychus malabaricus) (1) Swallow.Pacific (2) Tailorbird. Ashy (1) Tailorbird.Common (1) Tailorbird.Dark-necked (1) Tledekan Bird (1) Wagtail.Grey (1) Warbler.Eastern-crowned (1) Weaver. Baya (2) Wood-shrike.Large (1) Woodpecker.Buff-necked (1) Woodpecker.Rufous (1) Yellownape.Banded (1)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kacer Bird (Oriental Magpie Robin)

Copsychus saularis

Phylum (division): Chordata
Class: Aves (birds)
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Muscicapidae
Genus (Type): Copsychus
Species: C. saularis
Binomial name Copsychus saularis

The main characteristics: Large (20-23 cm); part black; foot gray

Male traits: head, back and chest are black glossy front; white ventrally (there are other types of black abdomen); outer tail feather tail feathers are black and white interior
kacer cowok
Female traits: The upper back and chest gray (dull black)

Juvenile (adolescents): features like an adult but at the brown speckled chest

A voice booms: Unmute tunable, high-pitched whistling sound and a smart mimicking other birds.
Categorized Kacer small-bodied species of birds chirping in his class and is a member of the family Turdidae, are included in the group flycatcher, family Muscicapidae. In Indonesia there are several species, but among the known hobies in two species of ground water. Kacer West Java (copsychus saularis) & Kacer East Java (copsychus sechellarum). West Java Kacer species identified with the characteristics mentioned above. Whereas Kacer East Java on the belly is black. That is all that distinguishes it physically.
Kacer is insectivorous species that reproduce in the development of residential areas in the lowland tropical areas.

Java Kacer

Dissemination & habitat: South Asia from Bangladesh, Pakistas, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South China and the Philippines.
This bird is usually found in open areas, plantations, agriculture and even dense residential area.

Prolificacy and Ecology: These birds generally do prolificacy in the month from March to July and the months of January to June. Dilubang-hole nest tree, or building a wall niche or a hole.
Kacer Male looking for a mate by singing loudly. Usually from dawn to dusk with wags his tail up and down to attract partners. Nests are usually built by a week before egg-laying females. The number of eggs ranges from 3-4 eggs with egg color of pale blue oval brownish spots. The incubation period (incubation) lasted 8-14 days and only dieramo by kacer just female. During this period kacer any male bias is more aggressive to protect its territory and quickly respond to the voices of other birds that disturb the area.

Food: kacer are insectivorous birds, almost all types of insects such as janggrik, grasshoppers, ants, cockroaches, flies, centipedes (centipedes), he eats, even a small snails and small fish is also a favorite food.

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