Before the rainy season or breeding season arrives, breeder birds must prepare the things associated with it, such as breeding stables, Food Supply and Box or ingredients to make cages. We recommend the stable location away from the mice, ants, lizards or geckos. Because these animals are nuisance animals that can damage a bird's security & convenience.
1. Breeding cages
We recommend that large breeding cage and sufficient, although this does not mean the size of a success in captivity, but the availability of enough space to make the bird more free and relaxed to make developing-culturing. Minimal ideal breeding cages measuring 1.5 meters x 2 meters with ketinggan 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Should place far from the shadow or a bird passing by humans in order to do an activity with a comfortable prolificacy. Because of the comfortable conditions will make the process of mating, nesting, incubation and hatchery runs smoothly.
Provide sufficient to tangkringan later, after the kids and the big birds hatch, they can learn to fly quickly, other than that the child can control the birds as they fly so the chances are they fell while practicing flying can be avoided.
Also prepare materials also nest makers, such as: fabric scraps, twigs, small chain, fiber trees, coconut fiber, pine needles (pine), dry, etc.. It is recommended to use pine needles (pine), dry, because it has a texture that is soft and easy to spin into the nest.
If the materials have been prepared, spread on the floor of the cage so that the nest building process can be done naturally. Do not place these materials directly in the nest box. How to spread the material into the cage floor will also stimulate Murai Betina to immediately conduct a marriage. The indication is that if Murai Betina bring a few pieces of container will nest in water for a bath. If this happens means Murai Females ready to mate or fertilized.
2. Food Supply
During the breeding and rearing of tillers, provide food that meets nutritional standards are adequate, whether it is dry feed (voor) as well as live feed. Life food such as insects, small fish, tadpoles, ductile hongkong, grasshoppers, snails, grasshoppers were very helpful and is an excellent feed ketersediakan. Fish and tadpoles is a source of calcium necessary to form eggshells (shell) and pertumbukan poult bones. Giving life a varied supply of food is needed, so the bird's nutritional needs are met and healthier.
Ulet Hongkong (mealworm)
Ikan kecil (guppies)
Tadpole (baby frog)
If the live feed can be difficult in, you can replace it with dry feed (voor). Origin meet the nutritional adequacy of the standards required by the birds. To that must be jelly should be found voor multi-containing adequate vitamins and minerals. At least the food must contain elements of fat, 10%, calcium 0.5 - 1%, protein 30% - 40%.
Food Place:
Place food containers can be a box made of plastic or wood. To feed live like crickets, ductile hongkong, small fish, tadpoles are encouraged to use boxes made of plastic, so the crickets do not escape out. If you are feeding the grasshoppers, the way it was even easier, by let it go in the cage.
Food Places
Dry food container (voor) and drinking water should be placed in areas close to the bird's nest.
3. Bath Tub
Should separate the location of drinking water container with a bath tub. Highly recommended if the bath tub enclosure located below the base or near containers of feed live. Because weather conditions often change, the availability of bath tub will help balance the body temperature of birds.
Note: Water for drinking and bathing water should be changed frequently, so that birds can be sustained health.
4. Nest Box
Nest boxes have been prepared prior to reproduction are made. It is recommended to install two nest boxes (in a double pair), so that we can know the content in the nest and easy to remove the nest to check on the eggs and children burung.m cage.
Nest box (nest box)
The size of the inside of the box must be at least 13cm high x 13cm and 8cm - 10cm. The outside of the box must be bigger and slim to enter the inner box. Size range from 20cm to 30cm depending on the length of his tail Magpie Males, so that its tail was not damaged when incoming and incubating eggs, while the height of the nest box is an ideal ground surface above the entrance of the cage. To estimate the amount of cage discussed in this article about 2.5M-3m from the ground surface.