
**Mammal (1) ~Beberek Ekor Biru (2) ~Beberek Leher Biru (1) ~Belatuk Biji Nangka (1) ~Belatuk Leher Kuning (1) ~Belatuk Merah (1) ~Belatuk Pinang Kecil (1) ~Bubut Besar (1) ~Cegar Tengkuk Kelabu (1) ~Cekup Daun Tongkeng Kuning (1) ~Cekup Paya Besar (1) ~Cekup Paya Kecil (1) ~Cenuk Kerak (2) ~Ciak Bendang (1) ~Ciak Tempua (2) ~Daun Sayap Biru (1) ~Dendang Selayang (1) ~Gagak Kambing (1) ~Hantu Jalur (1) ~Helang Baza (1) ~Kedidi Kepala Kelabu (1) ~Layang-layang Pasifik (2) ~Merbah Belukar (2) ~Merbah Kapur (4) ~Murai Gila (1) ~Murai Kampung (4) ~Perenjak Kelabu (1) ~Perenjak Kuning (1) ~Perenjak Leher Hitam (1) ~Perenjak Pisang (1) ~Pipit Pinang (1) ~Pipit Tuli (1) ~Rapang Besar (1) ~Rembah Kayu Besar (1) ~Rimba Berjalur (1) ~Rimba Mata Putih (1) ~Rimba Telinga Putih (1) ~Sambar Asia (1) ~Sambar Kepala Kelabu (1) ~Sambar Leher Putih (1) ~Sepah Puteri Dada Oren (1) ~Sewah Berjambul (1) ~Takau Rakit (1) ~Tiong Gembala Kerbau (1) ~Tiong Jambul (1) ~Tiong Jawa (1) ~Tirjup Harimau (1) ~Tuwu (1) Anis Merah Bird (1) Babbler.Strip-Tit (1) Baza.Black (1) Beeeater.Blue-tailed (2) Beeeater.Blue-throated (1) Blacktroat Bird (1) Branjangan Bird (1) Broadbill.Black and Red (1) Bulbul.Olive-winged (2) Bulbul.Yellow-vented (4) Caterpillars hongkong (1) Cendrawasih Bird (1) Ciblek Bird (1) Cililin Bird (1) Colibri Bird (1) Coucal. Greater (1) Cucak jenggot Bird (1) Cuckoo.Chestnut-winged (1) Dove.Zebra ~Merbuk (1) Eagle Owl. Barred (1) Fantail. Pied (1) Flameback.Common (1) Flowerpecker.Orange-bellied (1) Flycatcher. Asian Brown (1) Flycatcher.Grey-headed (1) Flycatcher.Rufous-browed (1) Forktail.Slaty-backed (1) Jalak Bali Bird (1) Jalak Suren Bird (1) Kacer Bird (Oriental Magpie Robin) (1) Kakatua Bird (1) Know Murai Batu (1) Koel. Asian (1) Laughtinthrush.Chestnut-capped (1) Leafbird.Blue-winged (1) Love bird (1) Magpie.Black (1) Malkoha.Raffles's (2) Manyar yellow head (1) Market price of the bird (1) Mesia.Silver-eared (1) Munia.Scaly-breasted (1) Munia.White-rumped (1) Murai Batu match (1) Myna.Common (1) Myna.Javan (1) Myna.White-vented (1) Oriole. Black-naped (1) Peacock Bird (1) Pipit. Paddyfield (1) Plover.Greater-sand (1) Preparation Facing prolificacy Murai Batu (1) Prinia.Yellow-bellied (1) Reed-Warbler.Black-browed (1) Reed-Warbler.Oriental (1) Robin Bird (1) Robin.Oriental Magpie (4) Season Of Life Pattern Effect Murai Batu (1) Shrike.Tiger (1) SUB SPECIES Murai Batu (Copsychus malabaricus) (1) Swallow.Pacific (2) Tailorbird. Ashy (1) Tailorbird.Common (1) Tailorbird.Dark-necked (1) Tledekan Bird (1) Wagtail.Grey (1) Warbler.Eastern-crowned (1) Weaver. Baya (2) Wood-shrike.Large (1) Woodpecker.Buff-necked (1) Woodpecker.Rufous (1) Yellownape.Banded (1)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kacer Bird (Oriental Magpie Robin)

Copsychus saularis

Phylum (division): Chordata
Class: Aves (birds)
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Muscicapidae
Genus (Type): Copsychus
Species: C. saularis
Binomial name Copsychus saularis

The main characteristics: Large (20-23 cm); part black; foot gray

Male traits: head, back and chest are black glossy front; white ventrally (there are other types of black abdomen); outer tail feather tail feathers are black and white interior
kacer cowok
Female traits: The upper back and chest gray (dull black)

Juvenile (adolescents): features like an adult but at the brown speckled chest

A voice booms: Unmute tunable, high-pitched whistling sound and a smart mimicking other birds.
Categorized Kacer small-bodied species of birds chirping in his class and is a member of the family Turdidae, are included in the group flycatcher, family Muscicapidae. In Indonesia there are several species, but among the known hobies in two species of ground water. Kacer West Java (copsychus saularis) & Kacer East Java (copsychus sechellarum). West Java Kacer species identified with the characteristics mentioned above. Whereas Kacer East Java on the belly is black. That is all that distinguishes it physically.
Kacer is insectivorous species that reproduce in the development of residential areas in the lowland tropical areas.

Java Kacer

Dissemination & habitat: South Asia from Bangladesh, Pakistas, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South China and the Philippines.
This bird is usually found in open areas, plantations, agriculture and even dense residential area.

Prolificacy and Ecology: These birds generally do prolificacy in the month from March to July and the months of January to June. Dilubang-hole nest tree, or building a wall niche or a hole.
Kacer Male looking for a mate by singing loudly. Usually from dawn to dusk with wags his tail up and down to attract partners. Nests are usually built by a week before egg-laying females. The number of eggs ranges from 3-4 eggs with egg color of pale blue oval brownish spots. The incubation period (incubation) lasted 8-14 days and only dieramo by kacer just female. During this period kacer any male bias is more aggressive to protect its territory and quickly respond to the voices of other birds that disturb the area.

Food: kacer are insectivorous birds, almost all types of insects such as janggrik, grasshoppers, ants, cockroaches, flies, centipedes (centipedes), he eats, even a small snails and small fish is also a favorite food.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Market price of the bird

Pal chirping, some time ago I visited the stricken area and stopped at Solo Depok bird market in order to find out a bit more about the price range of birds in other areas. Indeed if the market than can be said quite large Depok as wholesale many kinds of birds that much demand, were kicaumania. Compared with the Satria bird market or Sanglah bird markets in Bali, Depok bird market pretty much has a different variant types are probably still a bit difficult for us to get our respective regions. Besides price range arguably enough to compete. There are some types that may be somewhat more expensive than the price of our region but the price range tidahlah far menjolok. In comparison to the market price range trotolan pocian Depok ranged between Rp 55,000 to Rp 60,000 a much different price ranges in Bali Satria markets around Rp 175,000 minimum. So also for this type of stone magpie Wealth we can get the price of Rp 150,000 to Rp 200,000. And many other types.

In addition kicaumania community in this area are very high, this can be evidenced by the latber which could be witnessed every day surge diseputaran Manahan.

Hopefully this post can be a reference for us all kicaumania.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cendrawasih Bird

Bird of paradise is often also called a bird of paradise is a typical bird of Papua. Of the approximately 43 species of birds have been around 35 species can be found in areas of Papua while the rest have been very difficult to find. Paradise males have an advantage in a very bright plumage with a combination of black, brown, orange, yellow, white, blue, green and purple. Species such famous paradise that is Paradisae apoda, Paradisae minor, Cicinnurus this melanoleica.Burung Seleucidis Regius and ordinary life or dense jungle lowland.
Previously, the bird population is very much spread jungle of Papua which ultimately diminishing because of the many hunting for commercial use or consume the meat. In addition to such other paktor increasingly narrowing the number of land as a result of deforestation.

Based on the decision letter forestry, hunting kind of paradise has been banned and some like the king of paradise, bird of paradise bald, red bird of paradise, and paradise toowa small yellow tail was included as a protected species under Law No 5 of 1990 and PP RI No. 7 in 1999.

Peacock Bird

Exotic appearance of the peacock did not both. String of colorful feathers like a fan's color became the main feature.
In our country there are two types of peacock differentiated based on the basic color patterns are:

Peacock Peacock Blue or green and often also called the Indian peacock.

Peacock green peacock is a native species from Indonesia, with the large size of about 210 cm in length for males and about 120 cm for females and long, slender legs are equipped with tajinya. Green peacock tail feathers of males have a very beautiful when strung together with decorative patterns such as the eye image. While the female does not have long tail feathers only on the mantle plumes, neck and chest shiny green. Usually peacocks live in the nature of this type of open or grassland with shrubs and tall trees near water sources like lakes or small rivers. Distribution covers the area west Java and East Java, with its main food grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables and worms and other reptiles. His life is usually grouped with the system of polygamy and are bound by family ties.

Indian Peafowl which in Latin is also called the papo cristatus is one of three species of peacock species. With a blend of glossy dark blue and length can reach 230 cm in male peacock has a tail that is very long with metallic green the dominant color. Above his head there is a blue upright crest forming a fan. While the females usually can reach a length of 140 cm, with colors that are not shiny hair greenish brown with black stripes and without a lid decorated with feather tails. The population is widely scattered parts of the prairie regions of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Spread to Indonesia usually taken for the study as a comparative study with the original peacock Indonesia and was imported by traders to trade. Live and feed to the menu system similar to a peacock green.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tledekan Bird

In stage kicaumania homeland bird chatter is practically quite popular, as evidenced from year to year robins replica of this stone remains much menggandrungi. View the exotic and the song repertory that many become one of the reasons why this bird likes nyengklek remain popular. Besides his ability to mimic various sounds of other birds.
In some Asian countries, supposedly tledekan consumption has become the number one penghobby bird chatter. Although they are solely for the purpose is not to race, but as a special delight in terms of looks.
Main Menu birds feed insects countryman tledekan ie, usually the ordinary kicaumania give crickets, Kroto atupun other species besides voor sangkarnya.Mengingat always available in the many enthusiasts of this bird species, populations continue to decline until now.

Kakatua Bird

There are several types of parrots in Indonesia including a parrot species are also protected. Among the yellow-crested cockatoo (yellow crested Cokcatoo), Cockatoo embarrassment, orange-crested cockatoos, parrots and cockatoos sinister white.
Yellow-crested cockatoo biasannya live in pairs or in groups in small quantities, these groups usually live parrot jungle-forest of high primary and secondary forest, the area of Nusa southeast monsoon, high forest with an altitude heath habitat of about 900 m up to approximately 1520 m above sea level dependent regions.
Moluccan Cockatoo (salmon crested cokcatoo usually live alone or in pairs in small groups. Named as the Moluccan cockatoo because of the endemic area covers an area Seram, Ambon, Haruku and Saparua.
Orange-crested cockatoos can be seen from the view that cowlick orange and dark-gray beak, and orange with eye patches ears elderly and feet brownish gray. Besides the fur fly and bottom of the tail is yellow. Usually this type of cockatoo nesting dilubang delighted tree-holes, and their habitats from small Sunda Islands of Sumba pilau.
Umbrella Cockatoo is endemic bird species which can only be found in areas of the island of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta and Mandiole. The main characteristic of this type is the bird's own physical appearance is plain white with black beak pariasi.
Seram Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) can be seen from the appearance, which is white with a characteristic orange cowlick. This is a type of cockatoo endemic settler National Park Manusela Moluccas island of Seram.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cililin Bird

Cililin is one of the mainstays of the bird species kicaumania master.

In birds magpie stone fighter class, variasai Cililin field is an advantage that is very proud to kicaumania.

Shrill sound with a high level to be one choice why bird species are very good as the master race birds.

The main characteristic dark brown color with dikepala crested, and a variety of white color on the back of his neck makes this bird is very different class.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Caterpillars hongkong

Many of the warbling of mania revealed that caterpillars bahwasannya hongkong patal result could make our chirping birds eye cataracts. This analysis may be presented by the kicaumania on the basis of the nature of the worm itself is a hot hongkong.
And indeed if we are careful too some of the heat from the worm itself because the vast majority of feed kosumsi factor given similar voor arguably the high heat levels.

But from the writer's own experience has also long enough using the worm as one hongkong food menu booms, have never even experienced a problem whose name is Twitter so cataracts as a result of consuming these types of caterpillars.

Cuman here from the everyday habits dilakoni bahwasannya writer for caterpillars feed itself replaced by various types of vegetables or fruits which arguably include the heat content does not exist.

Beside that, the presentation also becomes a factor other important matters. Familiarise the kicaumania us to turn off or if I can get rid of the head of the caterpillar itself hongkong before you give us on Twitter.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ciblek Bird

Ciblek or often also called prenjak is the kind of birds chirp from the tribe Cisticolidae. Which in English is also called the winged prinia because of the two white lines on each wing. While the scientific name is called familiaris Prinia Horsfield, with a length ranging from 13 cm and almost the entire side of the body olive green brown. Interspersed with white throat and breast yellowish color around the abdomen to about the anus with a variation of the tail are black and white.
With the long, pointy beak blackish color combination top and bottom and legs yellowish to reddish brown trim. Bird with a typical bustling and lively voice is very easy to open because we find the nature of its population is still quite a lot.
Smoking in the nature ciblek usually will eat different kinds of insects or worms, with the quarry area of the surface soil until the canopy trees.
Ciblek is an endemic bird species are in limited distribution covers an area of Sumatra, Java and Bali. Its highly adaptable and not afraid of human life caused the bird populations were high enough on the appropriate region.
And concomitant growth of interest in the kicaumania, finally ciblek also become one of the idol which was greatly interested by the kicaumania.

Colibri Bird

Colibri is often regarded as a disseminator of new life and symbolizes the resurrection of the original Taino Indian nation was first found dikepulauan Caribbean. As the world's smallest bird species with a length of about 3 cm and weighs around one ounce, Hummingbird Trochilidae family is believed to be spreading very fast including Cuba, Brazil's central, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and other Latin American regions.
With beautiful colors from head to neck, blue-violet, greenish yellow back with sparkling blue color combination, black eyes and long beaks pariatif for each country.
Dry tropical jungle life habits and open or open savanna is suitable for living diiklim Indonesia.Dari revolution was also the result of bird species can be up to Indonesia.
Dihabitatnya staple food is pure honey which is obtained from the sari-sari flower breathed.
Colibri already gacor will issue ngeroll voice, loud and long enough to enchant his fans.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Robin Bird

Robin is one type of bird origins from China, and indeed the bird species jovial, energetic and likes to sing. An interesting mix of fur color green and gray, with a little red in the wings to make this combination to be one of the power of dance to be memilikinya.Disamping kicaumania red beak progressively add charm her physical appearance.
Ocehannya the tunable is one way to distinguish between the male and female. Male chatter varied, whereas females have only one tone. Observations sexes are physically difficult, because almost no difference in posture and feather color.
In its habitat, including birds that live robin colonize, as well as looking for food. Usually the male parent and female will build a nest in a dense thicket, by collecting various kinds of dried leaves
Usually proliferation period occurred in the dry season. Parent male and female take turns incubating the eggs. So also when the newly hatched piyik overfeed.
Robin maintain relatively very easy. With its main diet is insects and Kroto voer and can be given a few days in addition to other types of fruit.
Because the body length is only about 7 cm, is not required to maintain a large cage robin. Usually rectangular cage measuring 25 x 30 cm2 are adequate. Can also use a round cage with almost the same size.
Because populasinnya increasingly scarce, it would not be surprised if even this bird species has a fairly drastic price increases.

Blacktroat Bird

Bird blacktroat is another type of grain-eating birds and vegetables. Type of grain as a main menu sheed mainly include walnuts, grain mustard, turnip, white milet, or niger sheed otek bangkok.

In addition we can also provide gemak eggs or eggs cooked chicken and fresh Kroto very rich in animal protein content.

This bird species if we can get from saplings would be very easy to imitate sounds of other birds in addition to retaining the original sound.

Memaster fitting is one key to our success this bird prepares to race the event in addition to going to the primary election.

The master is good for this bird species including starlings include Uren, lovebird, prenjak, cibek and if possible also with the type of Edel-speednya zanger to train speed.

Branjangan Bird

Branjangan which in Latin is often mentioned by Mirafra ......, depending on the country where it came from is another master's bird species are highly preferred by the chirping of mania. The price range also is practically different from other master's birds.

Number of applicants BR was due to some factors such as: the beauty of batik-patterned fur, easy maintenance, including bird species whose population is limited, his voice enough so that sometimes can be quite crystallized make noise and most importantly is one type of master's reliable for the birds complain.

Manyar yellow head

Manyar is a typical bird life colonize. In one bird populations weaverbird we will be able to find up to thousands of birds weaverbird.

Weaverbird characteristic yellow head that is the yellow color of the bird's head section that although religion has faded while still uneven.

Grains are the main food menu and usually live direrimbunan weaverbird bird colonies of coconut trees or bamboo trees.

Aside from being a bird ornament, weaverbird is one master who many bird species favored by kicaumania.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cucak jenggot Bird

Bird cucak beard is one of the mainstays for the master race birds chirping among the mania. Tembaan characteristic sound of the birds is indeed a special weapon in the competition arena.
We are now where the party was so active BNR with events held competitions for the birds also make the popularity of bird masteran tsrsebut be uphill climb.
As a result, the market price range these birds that were not so appreciated now experiencing significant changes.
Maintenance is also simple enough to make the kicaumania now starting to glance at it. Fruits as the main menu will be also preferred voor fooding or other extra is very easy for us to take care of him.
It was at this time we all must realize we must guard bahwasannya all populations with one another like this is the way we care for their sustainability.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jalak Suren Bird

Starling suren which in Latin is called contra jalla strurnus can actually be found in all corners of Indonesia. Starling suren symbolized as tame bird keepers at home, because by taking care of these birds, the situation at home will always be maintained by the sensitivity of the bird itself. In the sense that anyone who would come to our house so this bird will give a loud sound effects and varied.
In addition to excitement among the starlings kicaumania suren is also a powerful bird that is suitable to serve as the birds masteran.
in terms of breeding, starlings suren arguably too easy. Provided we can provide the necessary comfort of indukannnya productivity will always be our guard.
In addition to other factors such as insufficient sunlight also hamper productivity.
Starling suren male has a straight body with relative size larger than females, with head and back feathers jet black color, brighter eyes, and slightly longer tail and blends.
While for the female has a rounded body shape and short with black and white, somewhat gloomy and less energetic or aggressive than the males.

Anis Merah Bird

Anis red or in Latin sdisebut as Zoothera citrina Orange-headed Thrush or the spread in Indonesia or evolved first immigrated from eastern Pakistan through India and Sri Lanka to China, south to southeast Asia, then to Java, Bali and Kalimantan.
Anis dihabitatnya red-like living area moist areas, near the territorial waters or rivers, the food is dihabitatnya insects, earthworms, and fruit from the forest.
In each region or country red anise amount will vary, although very little difference in size. Average length of adults ranges from red anise 21-25 cm.
Red Anis was first described by Jhon Lathan in the year 1790, which means Turdus Citrinus citrine.
Anis is a bird of immense red variety, due to variations of style, voice and habits have evolved over the always different and beautiful in the eyes of fans.
Diajang style changes and additional contests and nature sounds daily variations distinguish red anise dahuku by now.
1. Style variations; dikontes era of the 90s red anise included in the class mix, and along with anise merahpun menambahan fans then have its own class.
Style ngetrend stoned first is the classical style (standard / orthodox). Upright body position, head a little closer throats, and head facing forward.
Stoned style semi-inclined, upright body position looks a little bit head move forward and position the head is not too close together keleher but a little distance with his head slightly downward subject.
Full stoned style inclined (inclined abis / fall). Body position or fall slightly stooped, his head stretched forward with a downward facing position.
2. Additional entries; sound original red anise diajang contest has changed, ani caused by the pemiliksudah filled with various other fields such as love bird, cucak beard, Cililin or other types.
Era of the 90s sound of birds is not sevariatif present which is not too prominent either style or voice.
3. Habits and temperament; red anise including birds at volatility and a little spoiled, do not like green cucak fighter who has a high nature, this bird was not too happy about the heat and liked her voice traffic jams or will not make a sound.
The most important thing in her treatment is patience and we know the character of the bird itself.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jalak Bali Bird

Bali starling or its Latin name is mentioned as a Starling Leucopsar rotschildi is easy to tame bird species with the people around him if treated from the tiller or the result of captivity. Birds which became the main mascot of the West Bali National Park is classified as a bird that is very easy to adapt to their surroundings and easy diternakan although weather factors affecting the productivity of plants.
To get around Bali starling to remain productive diusianya of 2-3 years, one of them with a way to fix the cage to be as comfortable as possible, in the daytime when the weather is hot enough cages should be regularly watered or sprayed with water with the intention that the air temperature can be maintained.
The point is we should be able to provide sufficient comfort that if we wish we could Always productive breeders.

Love bird

The existence of love now fallen enough to crawl. Increasingly fierce hunting when there are treats besutan rely or count on the stability of quality songs.
Since the association of independent judges raised the total prize for the bird, finally has a total registered participants that in fact is the fans love the bird to be booming.
Enthusiastic playing love bird chirping of mania seemed like the era of the late 1990s until the early 2000's. Cuman difference in the era of 2000's average of love bird is contested than ngekeknya (shots), the average length also has a large volume and rhythm of songs such as bumps or starlings suren beard. But this time the character is very difficult to be found again.
When the valves open bird imports from the Dutch love, almost a hundred of these birds can be witnessed in various parts of the bird market in Indonesia.
The price range for 200-300 thousand way, 500 thousand for the half-finished and are already 1.5 million to escape latberan.
Of the many types of love that type of bird either the standard or the patterned original green or red heads are now often called the most superior lens in terms of sound. But lately the color black and blue or green coconut is often called dakocan also began to rise.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Preparation Facing prolificacy Murai Batu

Before the rainy season or breeding season arrives, breeder birds must prepare the things associated with it, such as breeding stables, Food Supply and Box or ingredients to make cages. We recommend the stable location away from the mice, ants, lizards or geckos. Because these animals are nuisance animals that can damage a bird's security & convenience.

1. Breeding cages

We recommend that large breeding cage and sufficient, although this does not mean the size of a success in captivity, but the availability of enough space to make the bird more free and relaxed to make developing-culturing. Minimal ideal breeding cages measuring 1.5 meters x 2 meters with ketinggan 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Should place far from the shadow or a bird passing by humans in order to do an activity with a comfortable prolificacy. Because of the comfortable conditions will make the process of mating, nesting, incubation and hatchery runs smoothly.

Provide sufficient to tangkringan later, after the kids and the big birds hatch, they can learn to fly quickly, other than that the child can control the birds as they fly so the chances are they fell while practicing flying can be avoided.

Also prepare materials also nest makers, such as: fabric scraps, twigs, small chain, fiber trees, coconut fiber, pine needles (pine), dry, etc.. It is recommended to use pine needles (pine), dry, because it has a texture that is soft and easy to spin into the nest.

If the materials have been prepared, spread on the floor of the cage so that the nest building process can be done naturally. Do not place these materials directly in the nest box. How to spread the material into the cage floor will also stimulate Murai Betina to immediately conduct a marriage. The indication is that if Murai Betina bring a few pieces of container will nest in water for a bath. If this happens means Murai Females ready to mate or fertilized.

2. Food Supply

During the breeding and rearing of tillers, provide food that meets nutritional standards are adequate, whether it is dry feed (voor) as well as live feed. Life food such as insects, small fish, tadpoles, ductile hongkong, grasshoppers, snails, grasshoppers were very helpful and is an excellent feed ketersediakan. Fish and tadpoles is a source of calcium necessary to form eggshells (shell) and pertumbukan poult bones. Giving life a varied supply of food is needed, so the bird's nutritional needs are met and healthier.

Ulet Hongkong (mealworm)



Ikan kecil (guppies)

Tadpole (baby frog)

If the live feed can be difficult in, you can replace it with dry feed (voor). Origin meet the nutritional adequacy of the standards required by the birds. To that must be jelly should be found voor multi-containing adequate vitamins and minerals. At least the food must contain elements of fat, 10%, calcium 0.5 - 1%, protein 30% - 40%.

Food Place:

Place food containers can be a box made of plastic or wood. To feed live like crickets, ductile hongkong, small fish, tadpoles are encouraged to use boxes made of plastic, so the crickets do not escape out. If you are feeding the grasshoppers, the way it was even easier, by let it go in the cage.

Food Places

Dry food container (voor) and drinking water should be placed in areas close to the bird's nest.

3. Bath Tub

Should separate the location of drinking water container with a bath tub. Highly recommended if the bath tub enclosure located below the base or near containers of feed live. Because weather conditions often change, the availability of bath tub will help balance the body temperature of birds.

Note: Water for drinking and bathing water should be changed frequently, so that birds can be sustained health.

4. Nest Box

Nest boxes have been prepared prior to reproduction are made. It is recommended to install two nest boxes (in a double pair), so that we can know the content in the nest and easy to remove the nest to check on the eggs and children burung.m cage.

Nest box (nest box)

The size of the inside of the box must be at least 13cm high x 13cm and 8cm - 10cm. The outside of the box must be bigger and slim to enter the inner box. Size range from 20cm to 30cm depending on the length of his tail Magpie Males, so that its tail was not damaged when incoming and incubating eggs, while the height of the nest box is an ideal ground surface above the entrance of the cage. To estimate the amount of cage discussed in this article about 2.5M-3m from the ground surface.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Season Of Life Pattern Effect Murai Batu


Murai Batu life cycle in the wild is governed by climate change. During the rainy season, which spilled rain throughout the day, is the most difficult periods for Murai Batu to search for life food such as insects. Therefore birds regulate the propagation and the feathers fall out (mabung) his pre-rainy season. Because in these times of abundant food supply in nature so that their nutritional needs can be met.

Activities of the propagation of tropical birds, including Murai Batu began at the end of the rainy season between January and continues until the end of August. Along with the propagation, the birds also have an annual turnover period was marked by the collapse of the fur hairs long, to be replaced with new feathers (mabung) and this process will be complete before the next rainy season arrives.

For pet birds that placed great dikandang (Aviary) for breeding purposes, the season developments reproduce less influenced by the changing seasons and weather. Because, the need for feed has been adequately fulfilled, although such birds have a natural instinct of the effects of depression and during the rainy season arrives to perform the propagation. For bird-cage hanging disangkar placed as pets or for the benefit of the race, the coming of the rainy season means a chance to rest the bird. Because in this period, the bird experienced a period of mabung that require adequate rest. Mabung needs during this break, it not only physically but mentally needed a break, so that later, the hairs that grow are the hairs that grow perfectly. For that keep the bird from a sense of stress that interfere with a bird cage and close tightly with a cloth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Know Murai Batu

Murai Batu (White Rumped Shama/ C. Malabaricus)
Source: David's collection

Phylum / Division Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Muscipidae
C. species malabaricus
Zoological name Copsychus malabaricus

Physical characteristics: Murai Batu (White Rumped Shama) is one of the birds sing a pretty famous for its sonority of his voice. Medium size, approximately 27 cm and weighs about 32 grams. Thin black beak and head size of an average round (although there are some who shaped a bit flat & slightly thicker). Tail length 15-35 cm (depending on species). Tail consists of four strands of black primer and eight strands of the secondary tail is white (there are certain species of black all). In total there are 12 pieces of tail. Individual males sparkling indigo, jet black in color with the color orange chest in general, (there are some maroon colored) were female individual color is slightly paler than the male plumage. Part butt under the tail is white. Female individual body size is slightly smaller than male individuals.

Habitat: Murai Batu usually live in dense jungle and the jungle lowlands to 1500 m fringed meeting.

Food in nature: small invertebrates and insects. Generally, they eat insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, tenacious, worms, small fish, and fruit of certain species.

Reproduction: Incubation for 12-15 days. Individual males are generally more aggressive. Every day of laying as many as one item. The number of eggs can reach six points. Color white eggs with reddish brown spots. At hatch, the baby bird (piyik) has not been able to open my eyes. New approximately six days after the eye has been able to open. The feathers they develop within 11 days.

Conservation status: Still less attention even though its population is estimated to have decreased. Along with the lack of jungle habitat that supports them.

Age: Murai stones can reach 10-15 years of age.

Regional distribution: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, China and India.
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